Sunday, September 27, 2009

SCCT 1023 (A) 27-09-2009 Sunday

Today, Miss Azura teached us about the topic of Multimedia....
We can know more detaily about the animation,2-D & 3-D,sounds,video,,graphic...and many many...
Because of we just come back from the Hari Raya holiday...we all very excited and become talkative...we have many things want to share...but we need to respect lecturer....haha...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Small Test~~~

1.从谁那里接到的题目? - Yuliy 和Yaw

2.如果还有机会,你会想跟你以前暗恋/旧情人再一起吗?曾经后悔不表白或挽留吗? - 如果有机会,我当然想跟他在一起啦!非常后悔不跟他告白。。。

3.2009年最大的心愿是什么? - 天天开心及考好成绩

4.你会毫无保留的相信你的朋友么?- 一些会,一些不会

5.要是失眠你会做什么?- 上网和听歌

6.哪种类型的异性让你最反感? - 不尊重女性
7.上一次情人节是怎么过的? - 和室友一起过。。。哈哈。。。

8.结婚真的好吗?- 不是

12.什么才算是真正的朋友?- 坦诚

13.最近最让你迷惘的事情是什么? - 到底我的目标是什么?
14.不开心的时候你会做什么?如果是自己最关心的人不开心,你会为他做什么? - 不开心时,我会大骂粗口;我会哄她开心。

15.遇到不喜欢的人,可是还必须和他经常打交道,你会怎么办? - 硬着头皮吧。。。

16.现在最想吃什么? - secret recipe蛋糕

17.如果这世界没有繁殖的必要,允许同性结合,就跟现在的婚前性行为一样,被大家逐渐接受了,你觉得你会爱上怎样的同性?(一定要是同性哦,不许说不会爱上同性的废话——这是幻想,幻想,幻想!!!) - 帅气的女生

18.请问你现在最想看的一部电影是什么? - final destination 4

19.如果整容没有危险,只有疼痛,你会忍痛让自己变的更美吗? -一定会!

20.你30岁的目标是什么? - 是个成功的女强人,有个稳定伴侣,家人生活安稳。

21.用一种食物形容我,为什么– 梨子,因为身材像,哈哈!

22.就在此刻,你想到了谁/正在想谁? - 他。

23.没有爱情烦恼,有爱情也烦恼,假设你现在单身的话你会选择爱情嘛? - 当然会。

24.之所以选择现在身边的那个人,是为什么呢?(单身的朋友请选答“自己理想的对方”)- 因为我喜欢他。

25. 物价上涨以后,工资为什么不长? -吝啬。

26. 幸福在哪里? - 不会答。

27.一是一个是终身会相爱但永远不能结婚,二是一个是结婚但很快就变亲情,请选择 - 我选第一个。

28. 如果有来生,希望成为什么?- 智慧与美貌并重的女生。

29. 人与人之间最缺少的是什么?- 坦白,真诚。


32. 什么是爱情?-我不懂。。。

31. 2008年最难过的事情是什么?-没有及时与他相识及告诉我对他的感受。。。

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 13 September 2009 Sunday

Today,Miss Azura wan us find information about the RCA.Below are the detail about RCA.

An RCA connector is a plug and a jack designed for use with coaxial cable for frequencies ranging from the very lowest up to several megahertz. An RCA connector is sometimes known as a phono plug and jack.

The male RCA plug consists of a central pin measuring approximately two millimeters (mm) in diameter, and an outer shell whose inside diameter is approximately six mm. The plug shell is slotted rather than threaded, to facilitate quick insertion to, and removal from, the female jack or receptacle. Contact is maintained by physical pressure between the slotted shell of the plug and the smooth cylindrical barrel of the jack. The plug shell is connected to the outer conductor, or shield, of the coaxial cable, normally at electrical ground. The center pin of the plug is connected to the cable center conductor, which carries the signal. In the jack, the barrel is grounded and the center hole is plated inside to conduct the signal.

RCA connectors are suitable for audio-frequency (AF) applications. They are also used in radio-frequency (RF)systems at low and medium frequencies, and at power levels up to approximately 100 watts. At higher frequencies or higher power levels, larger connectors are necessary. RCA connectors are designed for cables with small outside diameters (less than 6 or 7 mm) and are intended for indoor use only.

Friday, September 11, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 9 September 2009 Wednesday

That day, Miss Azura continue her Chapter 6 part 3...also about the telecommunication...we learned about the facsmile systems and paging systems....we all felt interested about the pager because our father had been used pager before when we stil young...
We learned detailly about the telecommunication in 5 part..there are facsmile, paging, satellite, telephone systems and cellular phone systems....
Lastly, Miss Azura announced that next Wednesday canceled her class...we all felt happy and thankful because most of us already go back to our hometown...thanks ya, Miss Azura!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 6-9-09 Sunday

Today, Miss Azura teached us about the chapter about telecommunication.
We will knowed more about the ability of the telephone and cellular phone technology like GPRS, GSM, EDGE and more. Although we always saw those terms occur in our handphone service or broadband services but we also don't really understand what the meaning of those terms...
Through the lesson on that day, we all know more detailly about the terms and gain more the knowledge about the telecommunication.

Friday, September 4, 2009

SCCT 1023 2 September 2009 Wednesday

This Wednesday, Miss Azura want us find infomation about Razak Sat...below are the details about Razak Sat...

RazakSAT is a Malaysian satellite carrying a high-resolution camera. It was launched into low Earth orbit by a Falcon 1 rocket on July 14, 2009. It was placed into an unique near-equatorial orbit that presents many imaging opportunities for the equatorial region.

RazakSAT is unique as it will be the first microsatellite of its class to be placed at Near equatorial orbit (NEqO); unlike many other satellites of its kind that are placed on Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO). RazakSAT's orbital inclination will coincide with the latitude of its launch at Kwajalein, and that of the northernmost extent of Malaysia. Thus its launch will be nearly due east and quite efficient.

This is especially important because Malaysia is usually covered by the equatorial cloud bands. Normal sun-synchronous optical satellites, which may re-visit an area only once every 14 days, will almost never be able to see the ground during their pass. As a result, much optical imagery of Malaysia is years out of date.RazakSAT, on the other hand, will revisit some part of Malaysian territory every 90 minutes, maximising its ability to exploit gaps in the clouds, and substantially improving coverage of the country as a result.