Saturday, October 3, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 30 September 2009 Wednesday

Today, Miss Azura teach us about the topic about the digitalization data...we learn about what is analog or digital audio....she also have give some example about the short form we all use recently in sending message like:you write in u,already write in oledy,and write in n....many many short form we create when send sms...because this will make us more convenience when typing a message...
She also tell us that day is the last day to submit our first assignment...that is write the blog...huhu~~~hurray~~~finally we finish the first assignment...wahahaha...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

SCCT 1023 (A) 27-09-2009 Sunday

Today, Miss Azura teached us about the topic of Multimedia....
We can know more detaily about the animation,2-D & 3-D,sounds,video,,graphic...and many many...
Because of we just come back from the Hari Raya holiday...we all very excited and become talkative...we have many things want to share...but we need to respect lecturer....haha...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Small Test~~~

1.从谁那里接到的题目? - Yuliy 和Yaw

2.如果还有机会,你会想跟你以前暗恋/旧情人再一起吗?曾经后悔不表白或挽留吗? - 如果有机会,我当然想跟他在一起啦!非常后悔不跟他告白。。。

3.2009年最大的心愿是什么? - 天天开心及考好成绩

4.你会毫无保留的相信你的朋友么?- 一些会,一些不会

5.要是失眠你会做什么?- 上网和听歌

6.哪种类型的异性让你最反感? - 不尊重女性
7.上一次情人节是怎么过的? - 和室友一起过。。。哈哈。。。

8.结婚真的好吗?- 不是

12.什么才算是真正的朋友?- 坦诚

13.最近最让你迷惘的事情是什么? - 到底我的目标是什么?
14.不开心的时候你会做什么?如果是自己最关心的人不开心,你会为他做什么? - 不开心时,我会大骂粗口;我会哄她开心。

15.遇到不喜欢的人,可是还必须和他经常打交道,你会怎么办? - 硬着头皮吧。。。

16.现在最想吃什么? - secret recipe蛋糕

17.如果这世界没有繁殖的必要,允许同性结合,就跟现在的婚前性行为一样,被大家逐渐接受了,你觉得你会爱上怎样的同性?(一定要是同性哦,不许说不会爱上同性的废话——这是幻想,幻想,幻想!!!) - 帅气的女生

18.请问你现在最想看的一部电影是什么? - final destination 4

19.如果整容没有危险,只有疼痛,你会忍痛让自己变的更美吗? -一定会!

20.你30岁的目标是什么? - 是个成功的女强人,有个稳定伴侣,家人生活安稳。

21.用一种食物形容我,为什么– 梨子,因为身材像,哈哈!

22.就在此刻,你想到了谁/正在想谁? - 他。

23.没有爱情烦恼,有爱情也烦恼,假设你现在单身的话你会选择爱情嘛? - 当然会。

24.之所以选择现在身边的那个人,是为什么呢?(单身的朋友请选答“自己理想的对方”)- 因为我喜欢他。

25. 物价上涨以后,工资为什么不长? -吝啬。

26. 幸福在哪里? - 不会答。

27.一是一个是终身会相爱但永远不能结婚,二是一个是结婚但很快就变亲情,请选择 - 我选第一个。

28. 如果有来生,希望成为什么?- 智慧与美貌并重的女生。

29. 人与人之间最缺少的是什么?- 坦白,真诚。


32. 什么是爱情?-我不懂。。。

31. 2008年最难过的事情是什么?-没有及时与他相识及告诉我对他的感受。。。

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 13 September 2009 Sunday

Today,Miss Azura wan us find information about the RCA.Below are the detail about RCA.

An RCA connector is a plug and a jack designed for use with coaxial cable for frequencies ranging from the very lowest up to several megahertz. An RCA connector is sometimes known as a phono plug and jack.

The male RCA plug consists of a central pin measuring approximately two millimeters (mm) in diameter, and an outer shell whose inside diameter is approximately six mm. The plug shell is slotted rather than threaded, to facilitate quick insertion to, and removal from, the female jack or receptacle. Contact is maintained by physical pressure between the slotted shell of the plug and the smooth cylindrical barrel of the jack. The plug shell is connected to the outer conductor, or shield, of the coaxial cable, normally at electrical ground. The center pin of the plug is connected to the cable center conductor, which carries the signal. In the jack, the barrel is grounded and the center hole is plated inside to conduct the signal.

RCA connectors are suitable for audio-frequency (AF) applications. They are also used in radio-frequency (RF)systems at low and medium frequencies, and at power levels up to approximately 100 watts. At higher frequencies or higher power levels, larger connectors are necessary. RCA connectors are designed for cables with small outside diameters (less than 6 or 7 mm) and are intended for indoor use only.

Friday, September 11, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 9 September 2009 Wednesday

That day, Miss Azura continue her Chapter 6 part 3...also about the telecommunication...we learned about the facsmile systems and paging systems....we all felt interested about the pager because our father had been used pager before when we stil young...
We learned detailly about the telecommunication in 5 part..there are facsmile, paging, satellite, telephone systems and cellular phone systems....
Lastly, Miss Azura announced that next Wednesday canceled her class...we all felt happy and thankful because most of us already go back to our hometown...thanks ya, Miss Azura!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 6-9-09 Sunday

Today, Miss Azura teached us about the chapter about telecommunication.
We will knowed more about the ability of the telephone and cellular phone technology like GPRS, GSM, EDGE and more. Although we always saw those terms occur in our handphone service or broadband services but we also don't really understand what the meaning of those terms...
Through the lesson on that day, we all know more detailly about the terms and gain more the knowledge about the telecommunication.

Friday, September 4, 2009

SCCT 1023 2 September 2009 Wednesday

This Wednesday, Miss Azura want us find infomation about Razak Sat...below are the details about Razak Sat...

RazakSAT is a Malaysian satellite carrying a high-resolution camera. It was launched into low Earth orbit by a Falcon 1 rocket on July 14, 2009. It was placed into an unique near-equatorial orbit that presents many imaging opportunities for the equatorial region.

RazakSAT is unique as it will be the first microsatellite of its class to be placed at Near equatorial orbit (NEqO); unlike many other satellites of its kind that are placed on Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO). RazakSAT's orbital inclination will coincide with the latitude of its launch at Kwajalein, and that of the northernmost extent of Malaysia. Thus its launch will be nearly due east and quite efficient.

This is especially important because Malaysia is usually covered by the equatorial cloud bands. Normal sun-synchronous optical satellites, which may re-visit an area only once every 14 days, will almost never be able to see the ground during their pass. As a result, much optical imagery of Malaysia is years out of date.RazakSAT, on the other hand, will revisit some part of Malaysian territory every 90 minutes, maximising its ability to exploit gaps in the clouds, and substantially improving coverage of the country as a result.

Monday, August 31, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 30 August 2009 Sunday

Today, Miss Azura teached us about the chapter 5 part two...we learn more about communication device, LAN and more...After that, she want us to find some information about the MESH TOPOLOGY and TREE TOPOLOGY...

A type of network setup where each of the computers and network devices are interconnected with one another, allowing for most transmissions to be distributed, even if one of the connections go down. This type of topology is not commonly used for most computer networks as it is difficult and expensive to have redundant connection to every computer. However, this type of topology is commonly used for wireless networks. Below is a visual example of a simple computer setup on a network using a mesh topology:

Also known as a hierarchical network.

The type of network topology in which a central 'root' node (the top level of the hierarchy) is connected to one or more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the second level) with a point-to-point link between each of the second level nodes and the top level central 'root' node, while each of the second level nodes that are connected to the top level central 'root' node will also have one or more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the third level) connected to it, also with a point-to-point link, the top level central 'root' node being the only node that has no other node above it in the hierarchy (The hierarchy of the tree is symmetrical.) Each node in the network having a specific fixed number, of nodes connected to it at the next lower level in the hierarchy, the number, being referred to as the 'branching factor' of the hierarchical tree.

1.) A network that is based upon the physical hierarchical topology must have at least three levels in the hierarchy of the tree, since a network with a central 'root' node and only one hierarchical level below it would exhibit the physical topology of a star.

2.) A network that is based upon the physical hierarchical topology and with a branching factor of 1 would be classified as a physical linear topology.

3.) The branching factor, f, is independent of the total number of nodes in the network and, therefore, if the nodes in the network require ports for connection to other nodes the total number of ports per node may be kept low even though the total number of nodes is large – this makes the effect of the cost of adding ports to each node totally dependent upon the branching factor and may therefore be kept as low as required without any effect upon the total number of nodes that are possible.

4.) The total number of point-to-point links in a network that is based upon the physical hierarchical topology will be one less than the total number of nodes in the network.

5.) If the nodes in a network that is based upon the physical hierarchical topology are required to perform any processing upon the data that is transmitted between nodes in the network, the nodes that are at higher levels in the hierarchy will be required to perform more processing operations on behalf of other nodes than the nodes that are lower in the hierarchy. Such a type of network topology is very useful and highly recommended.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

SCCT 1023(A) 26 August 2009 Wednesday

The advantages and disadvantages of Fiber Optic:

The advantages and disadvantages of Coaxial Cable:

The advantages and disadvantages of Twisted Pair:

SCCT 1023(A) 26 August 2009 Wednesday

This wednesday, Miss Azura teach us about data communication. She want us to be more understanding about this chapter. She asked us to find some information about Fiber Optic, Coaxial Cable and Twisted Pair.

The diagram of STP and UTP:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SCCT 1023 12-8-2009

Today, Miss Azura absent...we heard that she was sick...hopefully,she will recover soon...but today the lecture didn't cancel,she have replace another lecturer to teach us...
We all thought that today won't have a pop quiz...but...unfortunately,we still have the pop quiz...haiz...we all don't know how to answer it...cannot tiru...its a hard moment for us...we all tried to recall our memory to answer the question...
Hopefully,we will correct many question...haha...who ask us don't study hard...haiz...

SCCT 1023 9-8-2009

That day, Miss Azura came in lecture hall with wearing a mask…nowadays, many virus were spread in our life…just want to prevent and protect our health…hehe…
The topic we learned at that day is about online annoyances and internet…we know detail about the pop-ups, spam…know more about the origin of internet…we gain a lots of knowledge about internet…I almost forget that I have learned that before at the class of TID1103…haha…
After that, Miss Azura told us will have a pop quiz at Wednesday…oh my god!!! I so worry…worry that I can’t answer the question…hopefully, I can do it all quiz…hope Miss Azura won’t give the difficult question to us…please…

Friday, August 7, 2009

SCCT 1023 5-8-09

After that,Miss Azura want us to know more deeply about B2B,B2C and C2C...
1. B2C
Business-to-consumer e-commerce, or commerce between companies and consumers, involves customers gathering information; purchasing physical goods or information goods and, for information goods, receiving products over an electronic network.
It is the second largest and the earliest form of e-commerce. Its origins can be traced to online retailing (or e-tailing). Thus, the more common B2C business models are the online retailing companies such as,,, Barnes and Noble and ToysRus. Other B2C examples involving information goods are E-Trade and Travelocity.
The more common applications of this type of e-commerce are in the areas of purchasing products and information, and personal finance management, which pertains to the management of personal investments and finances with the use of online banking tools.
B2C e-commerce also reduces market entry barriers since the cost of putting up and maintaining a Web site is much cheaper than installing a “brick-and-mortar” structure for a firm. In the case of information goods, B2C e-commerce is even more attractive because it saves firms from factoring in the additional cost of a physical distribution network. Moreover, for countries with a growing and robust Internet population, delivering information goods becomes increasingly feasible.

2. C2C
Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce or C2C is simply commerce between private individuals or consumers.
This type of e-commerce is characterized by the growth of electronic marketplaces and online auctions, particularly in vertical industries where firms/businesses can bid for what they want from among multiple suppliers.16 It perhaps has the greatest potential for developing new markets.
This type of e-commerce comes in at least three forms:
auctions facilitated at a portal, such as eBay, which allows online real-time bidding on items being sold in the Web;
peer-to-peer systems, such as the Napster model (a protocol for sharing files between users used by chat forums similar to IRC) and other file exchange and later money exchange models; and
classified ads at portal sites such as Excite Classifieds and eWanted (an interactive, online marketplace where buyers and sellers can negotiate and which features “Buyer Leads & Want Ads”).

3. B2B
B2B e-commerce is simply defined as e-commerce between companies. This is the type of e-commerce that deals with relationships between and among businesses. About 80% of e-commerce is of this type, and most experts predict that B2B e-commerce will continue to grow faster than the B2C segment. The B2B market has two primary components: e-frastructure and e-markets. Efrastructure is the architecture of B2B, primarily consisting of the following:
logistics - transportation, warehousing and distribution (e.g., Procter and Gamble);
application service providers - deployment, hosting and management of packaged software from a central facility (e.g., Oracle and Linkshare);
outsourcing of functions in the process of e-commerce, such as Web-hosting, security and customer care solutions (e.g., outsourcing providers such as eShare, NetSales, iXL Enterprises and Universal Access);
auction solutions software for the operation and maintenance of real-time auctions in the Internet (e.g., Moai Technologies and OpenSite Technologies);
content management software for the facilitation of Web site content management and delivery (e.g., Interwoven and ProcureNet); and
Web-based commerce enablers (e.g., Commerce One, a browser-based, XML-enabled purchasing automation software).
E-markets are simply defined as Web sites where buyers and sellers interact with each other and conduct transactions.
The more common B2B examples and best practice models are IBM, Hewlett Packard (HP), Cisco and Dell. Cisco, for instance, receives over 90% of its product orders over the Internet.
Most B2B applications are in the areas of supplier management (especially purchase order processing), inventory management (i.e., managing order-ship-bill cycles), distribution management (especially in the transmission of shipping documents), channel management (i.e., information dissemination on changes in operational conditions), and payment management (e.g., electronic payment systems or EPS).

SCCT 1023 5-8-09 Wednesday

Yesterday,Miss Azura want us to find out about what is My EG Portal and Rilek Portal...
My E.G. Services Berhad and its Group of companies is principally engaged in the business of development and implementation of Electronic Government (E-Government) services and the provision of other related services for the E-Government Initiative as well as investment holding. The E-Government Initiative is a Government programme which focuses on delivering improvements in terms of how the Government operates internally, and how it delivers services to the people. The overall E-Government Initiatives focuses on allowing citizens to retrieve information and perform transactions with various Service Suppliers in a convenient and timely manner by utilizing its Electronic Services (E-Services). The main Service Suppliers that currently employ our E-Government services and solutions are Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur ("DBKL"), Jabatan Insolvency Malaysia ("JIM"), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan ("JPJ"), Polis Diraja Malaysia ("PDRM"), Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB") and Telekom Malaysia Berhad ("TMB").

In addition, Rilek portal is the revolutionary way to perform all your e-government services: i. Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ)ii. Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM)iii. Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TMB)iv. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)Rilek portal provide easy transactions electronically via various delivery channels and offers JPJ Driving Licences services, summons payments and inquiries on Kejara points. Their services also include electronic utility bill payment for TNB and Telekom bills.

Monday, August 3, 2009

SCCT 1023 2-8-2009

Yesterday,Miss Azura teach us more detailly about the topic of Computer Technology...she posted a lot of animation and picture on the slide show...but most of us very tired because we all just come back to campus from our hometown...we all just keep talking and don't pay attention in lecture...Miss Azura felt very unrespectful to her...we all doesn't feel,Miss Azura warned us and hope us will be respect to her...then,we all be silent and pay more attention on her lecture...finally,most of us already pass up the second individual assignment to her...yeah!!!!
Here,we want to apologize to Miss sorry we all make you angry...we won't do it again...sorry...

Monday, July 27, 2009

CCT 1023 26-7-2009 Sunday...

Yesterday,was our first day pass up our second individual assignment:Summarize A Journal...before we pass it up,we let our lecturer:Miss Azura check first...
But,we all assignment got many problem...need to correct it...there were small little classmate can pass it up...I hope can pass it at next week...
Later,we all received a announcement about our campus will close for 1 week because have suspect student have H1N1...we all so scare and worry...don't know this news is true or not...but I can saw there have many people hurry packing their luggage to go home...
Hopefully,our campus will be all right and ok in next week...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

CCT 1023 22-7-09 Technology Computer

Yesterday,Miss Azura was teaching us about the Technology Computer.She want us to find out about the different of Apple Mac OS and Microsoft Windows.So,i find the information through the Internet...she said can copy and paste...wahahahaha...
Mac OS is the trademarked name for a series of graphical user interface-based operating systemsdeveloped by Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) for their Macintosh line of computer systems. The Macintosh user experience is credited with popularizing the graphical user interface. The original form of what Apple would later name the "Mac OS" was the integral and unnamed system software first introduced in 1984 with the original Macintosh, usually referred to simply as the System software. It was a trimmed-down version of the operating system underpinning Apple's earlier Lisa product. While, Microsoft Windows is a series of software operating systems and graphical user interfaces produced by Microsoft. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world's personal computer market, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced previously.
After that,we had Human Communication class with Puan Haslina Halim...she want us to be participate in her more active to give opinion in class...but we all very quiet...she very angry and said don't want teach us the chapter week straightly teach us the chapter 3...she straightly tidy up her beg and went out of the class...we all so shock!!!because this situation only will happen in primary or secondary school...haiz...we all don't know how to face with her in next lesson...she still is my SDG tutor...i scare scare la...hopefully she won't act like that in next lesson...

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Revolution Of Communication Technology

Yesterday,Miss Azura was taught us about the revolution of communication technology...there are 4 communication era:writing,printing,telecommunication and communication interative era...Miss Azura gave us many cute slideshow to make sure us feel interesting in study...this also will gave us some deep impression in her teaching...
After technology communication class finished,there were no more class because many class was me and my friend went find some sponsor for fulfill my Corporate Writing assignment...we went to UniInn Hotel and Koperasi in the Varsity was a tired day for me...hope they will agree to post their advertising in our school magazines...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Boring Day in UUM...

Yesterday,our room was attack by some kind of bug...i don't know what type of the look very small,green colour,has some black colour at its will bite fierce!!!
We even no dare to open our room door...the bugs very sensitive to the light...they make us can't have a good night to sleep...make me late to get my first class...(bad feeling)
Today in CCT1023 class,Miss Azura gave us some practice of optical illusion...we all felt very interesting and excited about it...she also gave some picture who will move by different funny...her purpose is want us to understand:What You See Is What You Get.
This is my feeling and special things happens today and willing to share with you...hehe...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Knowing My CCT1023(Group A) Classmates

1)Name: Izahar
Come from: Sg.Petani,Kedah
Favourite Colour: Green,Yellow
Hobbies: Surfing Internet
Favourite Place: Beach

2)Name: Yusuf
Come from: Selangor
Favourite Colour: White,Red
Hobbies: On-line
Favourite Place: Kuala Lumpur

3)Name: Loges
Come from: Kelantan
Favourite Colour: Pink
Hobbies: Listen to Music
Favourite Place: Tumpat

4)Name: Mit
Come from: Perlis
Favourite Colour: Green
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Shopping Centre

5)Name: Lina
Come from: Sabah
Favourite Colour: Green
Hobbies: Listen Radio
Favourite Place: Room

6)Name: Mimi
Come from: Ipoh,Perak
Favourite Colour: Black
Hobbies: Singing
Favourite Place: Hometown

7)Name: Lea
Come from: Kuala Kangsar,Perak
Favourite Colour: White
Hobbies: Reading
Favourite Place: Food court

8)Name: Nadia
Come from: Taiping,Perak
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Surf-Internet
Favourite Place: Shopping centre

9)Name: Nad
Come from: Kedah
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Read Novel
Favourite Place: Room

10)Name: Hanis
Come from: Penang
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Surf-Internet, Reading
Favourite Place: Shopping Centre

11)Name: Yana
Come from: Sabah
Favourite Colour: All colour
Hobbies: Surf-Internet
Favourite Place: Times Square,Sg.Wang

12)Name: Ummi
Come from: Kedah
Favourite Colour: Red
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Jitra

13)Name: Roslin
Come from: Johor
Favourite Colour: White
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Friend’s room

14)Name: Kalai
Come from: Kedah
Favourite Colour: White,Black
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Langkawi

15)Name: Ridwan
Come from: Nigeria
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Talking
Favourite Place: Kuala Lumpur

16)Name: Za
Come from: Terengganu
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Shopping centre

17)Name: Nurul
Come from: Indonesia
Favourite Colour: Brown
Hobbies: Travelling
Favourite Place: Shopping centre

18)Name: Seha
Come from: Teremgganu
Favourite Colour: Black,White
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Putrajaya

19)Name: Say-are
Come from: Sepang,Selangor
Favourite Colour: Pink
Hobbies: Surf-Internet
Favourite Place: Putrajaya

20)Name: Miey
Come from: Perlis
Favourite Colour: White,Red,Black
Hobbies: Climbing
Favourite Place: Café

21)Name: Naqia
Come from: Johor
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Reading
Favourite Place: Shopping Mall

22)Name: Sandra
Come from: Sabah
Favourite Colour: Red
Hobbies: Chatting
Favourite Place: Room

23)Name: Ah Yien
Come from: Sarawak
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Read Novel
Favourite Place: Bookshop

24)Name: Chan
Come from: Johor
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Hobbies: Listen to Music
Favourite Place: Waterfall

25)Name: Pei Chin
Come from: Pahang
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Jogging
Favourite Place: Kuala Lumpur

26)Name: Chuah
Come from: Taiping,Perak
Favourite Colour: Pink
Hobbies: Singing
Favourite Place: Shopping Centre

27)Name: Sook Peng
Come from: Pahang
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Watch movie
Favourite Place: Shopping Centre

28)Name: Yen Pin
Come from: Pahang
Favourite Colour: Pink
Hobbies: Shopping
Favourite Place: Shopping Mall

29)Name: Fung
Come from: Sarawak
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Watch TV
Favourite Place: Beach

30)Name: Ying
Come from: Kedah
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Singing
Favourite Place: Shopping Mall

31)Name: Yaw
Come from: Kuala Lumpur
Favourite Colour: White
Hobbies: Sleeping
Favourite Place: YAB

32)Name: Aaron
Come from: Penang
Favourite Colour: Black
Hobbies: Football
Favourite Place: Pub

33)Name: Wai Kee
Come from: Melaka
Favourite Colour: Green
Hobbies: Badminton
Favourite Place: Cafe

34)Name: Kong
Come from: Kuala Lumpur
Favourite Colour: Black
Hobbies: Football
Favourite Place: YAB Cafe

35)Name: Anggie
Come from: Indonesia
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Tennis
Favourite Place: Cinema

36)Name: Simon
Come from: Penang
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Piano
Favourite Place: Red Box

37)Name: Katherine
Come from: Klang,Selangor
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Badminton
Favourite Place: Shopping Mall

38)Name: Sam
Come from: Perak
Favourite Colour: Silver
Hobbies: Listen to Music
Favourite Place: Cafe

39)Name: Fishi
Come from: Pahang
Favourite Colour: Red
Hobbies: Badminton
Favourite Place: Café

40)Name: C Plus
Come from: Penang
Favourite Colour: Purple
Hobbies: Play Computer
Favourite Place: Shopping Centre

SCCT 1023(Group A) 12-7-2009

Today,I had a CCT 1023(Group A) class at 11am…Our lecturer was a new lecturer in our university…she was Miss Noor Azura…
She gave us some assignment…3 individual assignment and 1 group assignment…In the individual assignment,she want us to create a blog by using the e-blogger and to post it twicely in a week…it is quite excited to me because this is my first time I have my own blog…hahaha….
After that,she also want us to find a jurnal case about the Technology Communication and need to do some conclusion…then,the third individual assignment is want us to describe the latest communication development…this assignment must include the references…this is the challenge for me…
The group assignment is 5 person in one group,must include Malay and India or international student…she want us to find 1 new technology product and give some critics about the product…then,we can give our opinion and suggestion through this assignment…this assignment also need us to do the presentation…
Then,she want us to interview our classmate about their hometown,favourite colour,favourite place and hobbies…anh then post into our blog…

Hi!!!Nice to meet u all....haha...

So excited!!!This is my first blog...wahahahaha....